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Pesantren Maslakul Huda (PMH) is one of the oldest Islamic traditional boarding schools in Indonesia that was establihed since more than a century. PMH offers elementary dan intermediate education of pesantren. As one of the efforts in developing and shaping education in Indonesia, PMH initiated the establishment of higher education of pesantren in the field of ushul al-fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) under the name of Pesantren Maslakul Huda li al-Takhashsus fi Ushul al-Fiqh. By this establishment, the institution is aimed to provide standard education for the graduate students of Islamic high school (Aliyah) who have a strong intention to pursue the study in the discipline of fiqh and ushul fiqh science.

The discipline of ushul al-fiqh is not considered as new thing in the pesantren education system as KH Sahal Mahfudz, the founder of Pesantren Maslakul Huda had practically conducted the study and implementation of ushul al-fiqh in his many intellectual events and lectures. Moreover, the science of usul al-fiqh had been the identity of KH Sahal which is commonly known as Social Fiqh. Therefore, following the Decree of Religious Ministry No 17 Year 2015 on Ma’had Aly, PMH sets some curriculum and institutional revisions and transformed from Takhashus Ushul al-Fiqh into Ma’had Aly fi Ushul al-Fiqh.

Ma’had Aly is the institutionalization of pesantren intellectual tradition which aims to maintain the sustainability of pesantren as the icon of reputable islamic scholarship, as well as the development of science and social transformation for the benefit of nation. Hence, a santri (student of pesantren) is expected not only to be an ideal person for himself but also to have the sensitivity and social skills required in the society.

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